尺寸:18.2 x 13.5 cm
價錢:HKD 100
簡介:The book is meant for children below the age of 14and is worded as simply as possible, but older ones canalso definitely benefit from it. Parents are encouraged to accompany their children initially, then leave it for them to browse through freely. Each page in the book is meant for each day of the yearand contains four segments:
A gospel reading excerpt – A few verses from the day’s gospel reading have been selected and sometimes rephrased to provide a comprehensive meaning of the text. The full reading of the day has also been indicated for parents to refer to should they need it for further explanation.

Questions to reflect on or discuss following the reading,
A short prayer
An action to do.

It is best to go through these segments with your children
as a bed time exercise. Before going to bed, go through
the page for the following day and say a little prayer with
them. This guarantees that your children will be raised in
love of God and neighbor.